Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent venenatis lacus id dui efficitur faucibus.
Donec iaculis erat et dui bibendum.


Ms Tina Lee
Niece of MM Lee Kuan Yew, Daughter of Mr Freddy Lee.

Maecenas ac neque auctor, mollis nunc ac, suscipit ante. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. In lacinia malesuada tempor. Pellentesque feugiat magna at quam scelerisque rhoncus.

Mr Loh Boon Chye
CEO of Singapore Exchange.

In molestie, tortor nec mattis varius, erat eros vulputate ex, in faucibus diam risus eget lorem. Proin elit nisl, condimentum in iaculis a, tempor fringilla tortor. Sed ex risus, dignissim id felis vel, commodo laoreet magna.

Mr & Mrs Ho Tian Yee
Board Member of DBS Bank, F&N, Singapore Power Ltd.

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc non lacinia nibh, ac tristique diam. Nullam egestas, sapien quis imperdiet vehicula, libero sapien scelerisque est, eget venenatis diam sem ac elit.


Sec1-4 (IP) Raffles Instituition

Curabitur tempor mauris faucibus pharetra vulputate. Donec euismod enim non felis fringilla porttitor. Praesent tristique in mi eu hendrerit. Aliquam scelerisque risus ut velit mattis, nec aliquam lectus tristique. Proin interdum faucibus efficitur. In finibus a diam pharetra venenatis.

Megan Tam
Sec 4 Cedar Girls Secondary

Cras vitae risus sed urna tincidunt eleifend. Vestibulum volutpat velit erat, non consequat neque viverra quis. Nullam at sollicitudin enim.

Louisa Ong
Sec 3-4 Cedar Girls Secondary

Proin eget pulvinar magna. Nunc accumsan diam urna, eget dictum nisl cursus sed. Ut leo risus, ultricies eget ullamcorper a, ullamcorper a arcu.

Jasmine Gk
Sec 4, Tanjong Katong Secondary

Vivamus velit elit, tempor vel tortor et, lobortis volutpat felis. Mauris convallis mi venenatis velit elementum, non congue nisi euismod. Cras ac augue eget nunc sagittis fermentum ac vitae sapien. Cras libero nisi, faucibus eu risus quis, suscipit gravida urna.

Name of StudentsSchoolSubjectGrade
Alton ChooHCIMathsA
Alton ChooHCIMathsA
Alton ChooHCIMathsA
Alton ChooHCIMathsA
Alton ChooHCIMathsA

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Praesent venenatis lacus id dui efficitur faucibus. Donec ac commodo justo.

Phasellus ac condimentum arcu, non rutrum nisl. Donec iaculis erat et dui bibendum, sit amet molestie augue auctor.

Mauris condimentum lacus eros, eu iaculis justo lacinia laoreet. Pellentesque ut enim pretium mi semper iaculis sit amet ac sapien. Ut lacinia est sit amet ullamcorper suscipit. Vivamus iaculis neque sit amet felis tristique, sed finibus ipsum pulvinar.

In the most recent 2015 O Levels examination, more than 93% of the Secondary 4 cohort scored a distinction in their respective subjects taught by Mr Allen.

Phasellus ligula purus, finibus nec vestibulum elementum, consequat ac ante. Ut ut vehicula lectus. Nullam sit amet nulla metus. Nullam non rutrum mauris. Proin nec ultricies tellus, nec tempus massa. Curabitur sit amet sem lacus.

Nullam nunc

Morbi lacus mi, pulvinar sit amet leo vel, malesuada mollis erat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Nullam nunc nisl, euismod ac blandit nec, sollicitudin non diam.

Fusce dapibus convallis

Aenean tincidunt sit amet ligula vitae ultricies. Sed vitae porta diam, et ullamcorper neque. Phasellus euismod lacinia feugiat. Fusce dapibus convallis velit, in ultrices odio feugiat in. Curabitur sed consequat orci. Pellentesque auctor, orci fermentum feugiat interdum, odio risus mollis ipsum, eget efficitur lorem est in tellus.

In hac habitasse!

Nulla metus nibh, blandit vel sem quis, vulputate eleifend enim. Nunc ut faucibus orci, luctus euismod ipsum. Curabitur varius vehicula tellus, eget vestibulum diam posuere eu. Nulla ullamcorper nulla iaculis mauris tincidunt, dignissim dignissim nulla volutpat.

Ut vel lobortis dolor.

Donec erat urna, convallis in pellentesque non, eleifend vel mauris. Aenean porta arcu ut ante mollis, id egestas metus suscipit. Etiam dignissim laoreet ante id tristique. Praesent vestibulum dignissim enim, a rutrum massa. Ut vel lobortis dolor. Fusce ornare odio vitae varius tempus. In hac habitasse platea dictumst.

Proin eget pulvinar magna. Nunc accumsan diam urna, eget dictum nisl cursus sed. Ut leo risus, ultricies eget ullamcorper a, ullamcorper a arcu. Vivamus velit elit, tempor vel tortor et, lobortis volutpat felis. Mauris convallis mi venenatis velit elementum, non congue nisi euismod.

Cras ac augue eget nunc sagittis fermentum ac vitae sapien.

Venenatis malesuada

Suspendisse nec luctus nisi. Suspendisse pharetra vestibulum ligula ut finibus. Vestibulum eros dui, facilisis et diam ut, venenatis tincidunt est. Nunc a metus faucibus, consectetur augue id, malesuada lectus. Nullam lorem ante, faucibus eu neque in, venenatis malesuada magna.

Nullam viverra lectus

Fusce rhoncus mauris nec nisl suscipit, sollicitudin tempor elit tincidunt. Ut lobortis, enim in tempor ultrices, nulla sapien luctus magna, et porttitor metus risus non nibh. Etiam pellentesque tincidunt eros at blandit. Nullam viverra lectus id sem mattis, id efficitur enim volutpat. Sed aliquet risus dui, eget dapibus enim mollis sit amet.



Chemistry is a subject that requires complete understanding of concepts. Students who fail to grasp them will be unable to answers questions effectively.

Our programme includes teaching the correct answering techniques, including mastery of a compiled list of commonly asked Chemistry questions that will be essential for them to achieve F9 to A1 in 12 weeks. To find out more, please Call 82332805.


Physics is a subject which many students fail to grapple with effectively. Concepts like Kinematics, Electricity and Electromagnetic induction are common topics that students find hard to interpret.

My compiled list of 1000 common questions and answers serves to help them discover the methodology behind dealing with Physics questions and help them decide which type of questions are given and the appropriate response to them so that they can achieve F9 to A1 in 12 weeks. To find out more, please Call 82332805.

A Maths

Additional maths topics like Logarithms, Binomial theorem and Integration are a common weakness among most Sec 3 and 4 students.

My approach is highly efficient in helping them understand any of the most difficult topics in as little as 15mins, so that they have enough confidence to try out my compiled questions. Different types of questions with varying difficulty will be discussed, in addition to me helping out my students with their school homework. F9 to A1 results can be seen in as little as 2-3 weeks for class tests. To find out more, please Call 82332805.

E Maths

In order to score a distinction in the O levels nowadays, it is no longer enough to just score above 70. It requires a mixture of being extremely proficient in the use of formulas, experience and being careless free in order to do well in their examinations.

For more than a decade, i have been teaching students the secrets of getting from an F9 to A1. To find out more, please Call 82332805.

Lower Sec Science

Over the last 3-5 years, we have seen an increase in complexity of Science questions which have evolved into a more thinking based one. As such, content for Science questions has become more broad based and requires an effort for an exposure to wider content and questions.

Lecture notes are updated on a term basis to reflect the changes in syllabus and help students understand the kind of questions that are currently commonly asked. Just wait for less than 12 weeks and F9 to A1 results can become a reality. To find out more, please Call 82332805.

Lower Sec Maths

Most students who have done badly in Maths actually have a simpler route to success. Methodologies perfected over the last decade allows me to get a grip of the specific issues that each students have with Math and allow them to focus and do better.

Thousands of students have benefited from my expertise. Just wait for less than 12 weeks and F9 to A1 results can become a reality. To find out more, please Call 82332805.


Program Highlights

  • The ENTIRE syllabus from SEC 3-4 will be explained and covered in ONE WEEK!
  • Students can choose to come for ALL of the 4 subjects or come for ANY specific subject
  • Get proprietary FIRST-IN-CLASS summarized notes and worksheets that will give students the best edge over anyone in their school.

Understanding & Real World Practice

  • Taught personally by The GURU: ENSURES that all students understand EVERY WORD that is taught.
  • Questions will be carefully selected and sorted according to difficulty and made available for students to practice.
  • Students will be taught on how to INTERPRET questions like never before and ANSWER EFFECTIVELY using key words and structure their answers in the BEST and ONLY way.

Exam Preparation

  • Guarantee from the Guru: Students will FINALLY understand their subjects once and for all.
  • O Level Examiners Report will be shared with students to identify common pitfalls students make during examinations.
  • Analysis of common Prelim and O-level/IB/IP questions and how to think and answer rationally.

Intensive Crash Course Lecture Schedule

Week 130th May 2016-03rd June 201610am-6pm (Inclusive of 15mins lunch break)
Week 206th June 2016- 10th June 201610am-6pm (Inclusive of 15mins lunch break)
Week 313th June 2016- 17th June 201610am-6pm (Inclusive of 15mins lunch break)
Week 420th June 2016- 24th June 201610am-6pm (Inclusive of 15mins lunch break)
Available for sign up from 1st May 2016


#1 TUTOR IN SINGAPORE. F9 to Al Guaranteed if not Money back!


If you are unable to reach us, please leave us a SMS. As our schedule is heavily packed, chances are that we could be running classes / consultations with students. We will respond to you as soon as possible. Thank you.

We look forward to hearing from you!

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